Jim Beam Double Oak 750ml

Jim Beam Double Oak 750ml

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"All great bourbons have a magic to them, an element of mystery. As bourbon ages and matures, a portion is lost from the barrel due to evaporation. Many believe it’s angels claiming their dues. That’s why we call it the “Angel’s Share”—gone forever.

After aging, when the bourbon is dumped out of the barrel, some liquid stays trapped deep inside the wood. This is the “Devil’s Cut.” We’ve made history by extracting it.
We use a proprietary process that extracts the rich bourbon trapped inside the barrel wood. When ready, we then blend this liquid with extra-aged bourbon and bottle it at 90 proof for robust, premium bourbon with deep color, aroma and character." - Producer

Jim Beam® Devil’s Cut® was created to be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, as a shot or mixed with cola.