Penelope Architect 750ml
The fast-emerging craft whiskey brand Penelope Bourbon has announced its latest offering, the Architect Series.
Named in honor of the art of whiskey blending, this new release combines the brand’s signature four grain mash bill with two styles of French oak staves.
Working in collaboration with Tonnellerie Radoux of France, a market leader in oak barrel manufacturing, Penelope Bourbon selected each stave using its “OakScan” process.
On the nose of this new whiskey is sweet candied cream and floral notes with hints of green apple, the company says, leading into sweet vanilla and viscous cream with savory oak. The body contains a creamy sweetness with herbal and floral flavors, before a finish of leather and heat, with floral and botanical lingering notes.
Aged 4 to 5 years, this Penelope Bourbon Architect Series is 104 proof.
Named in honor of the art of whiskey blending, this new release combines the brand’s signature four grain mash bill with two styles of French oak staves.
Working in collaboration with Tonnellerie Radoux of France, a market leader in oak barrel manufacturing, Penelope Bourbon selected each stave using its “OakScan” process.
On the nose of this new whiskey is sweet candied cream and floral notes with hints of green apple, the company says, leading into sweet vanilla and viscous cream with savory oak. The body contains a creamy sweetness with herbal and floral flavors, before a finish of leather and heat, with floral and botanical lingering notes.
Aged 4 to 5 years, this Penelope Bourbon Architect Series is 104 proof.